on Franta OK2SFS
Frantisek Ghiglione OK2SFS in his former shack in Kyjovice near Ostrava. Visiting DJ8RR in 1992. With grandson Otik. ... and Franta's well known QSL card. Franta (Frank) OK2SFS, a musician, very enthusiastic ham and in his last years big fan of packet radio and computers with vitality of young man. There is not many people who speak plenty of languages like him. He is missing to many hams from Ostrava and his friends aroud the world. New part added 11.10.2010: Jiri OK2RZ found in his photo archivum some further photos taken during Franta OK2SFS and Josef OK2BTL visitation in Jiri's hamradio rancho in Jistebnik. Franta is "heating at chimney place" of power amplifier. To not be too hot it is neccessary beer cooling. Josef OK2BTL helps him keenly. These both guys are somewhere high above F- layer. Franta for more than 10 years and Josef almost 3 years. We are missing both of them.