How we were on annual reunion on Biskupska Kupa in 2006 ?

Traditional reunions with polish friends on the border OK/SP on the wonderful place at watchtower from 19th century. Everything started during former regime. There were summer camps for youth interested in ham radio, fox hunting and ham radio techniques nearby this place at Petrovy Boudy in Jeseniky mountains near town of Zlate Hory.
System of work with youth disappeared after political changes. There are no camps yet but friendship on international level is still live. Originally accidental meets changed to annual reunions of Czech and Polish radiohams..

Photoes from 2006. From left sitting son of OK2VVD, OK2UWV. From  left staying and draughting beer OK2UMM, next OK2BMU, xyl OK2MXL, SP6MRC and OK2VVD.

View from watchtower on the SP9KDA's  portable QTH..

We enjoyed our stay..

Tadek's SP6MRC typical welcome.

It is wonderful to be on mountains even in rain..

One important man was missing. This man was in the beginning of these reunions, but wasn't present this year..

This ham is our Josef OK2BTL. You can see him on the picture by Jirka OK2UCC on the Field Day 2002. 
Josef is a center of good spirit in our club..

And finally this is inglorious end of Petrovy Boudy where summer camps were. Petrovy Boudy do not exist anymore. Picture shows it after fire in the middle of 90's.

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