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Radio Society of Great Britain. Official HF Contest Results

Results - 1st 1.8MHz Contest 2008

Section.A U.K.
Posn. Callsign Qso Bonus
1 GM3POI 247 75 1083
2 GD0EMG 232 79 1073
3 G4BJM 211 74 1000
4 G3SJJ 201 73 957
5 G4FNL 196 72 914
6 GW0GEI 192 72 889
7 G3ZGC 176 71 866
8 G3TBK 192 70 865
9 GM4FAM* 176 67 863
10 G3OLB 186 70 854
11 G3KLH 174 71 843
12 G3PDH 167 68 809
13 MD0CCE 162 66 805
14 G3WPH 170 62 803
15 G4TSH* 154 63 777
16 G3SVL 146 61 729
16 G4FAL 140 61 722
18 G3GLL 140 60 692
19 GW3SQX 118 55 617
20 G4EBK 116 53 604
=21 G3NCN 117 52 589
=21 M0AAA 111 54 589
23 G0ORH 107 50 575
24 G3YEC 111 51 549
25 GM0WED 105 51 547
26 G4DDL 107 46 545
27 GM3YEH 98 51 532
28 G3JRM 101 50 531
29 GM4SID 95 51 529
30 G3VYI 108 46 524
30 GW0ETF 90 48 507
32 G4CKH 103 46 503
33 G3SWC 92 48 500
34 G0ADH 89 47 496
35 G4RCG 82 46 468
36 G3LET 76 43 427
37 G4BUO* 73 39 414
38 G3LIK 70 41 407
39 G3RSD 62 40 370
40 G3UFY 65 38 369
41 G3XTT 60 38 356
42 G4ARI 52 30 290
43 G3GMM 49 32 261
44 G8MIA 35 22 212
45 G3WRR* 25 22 185
46 G4WGE* 25 18 165
47 MM0BQI 28 17 144
48 G6CSY* 19 15 132
49 G0IBN 19 14 122
50 2E0KOP* 9 7 62
Section.B Overseas.
Posn. Callsign QSOs Bonus
1 EI5DI* 80 48 480
2 S57DX* 64 43 407
3 LY3BA* 54 37 347
4 OK1FKD* 49 34 317
5 DK3UZ* 48 32 307
6 DL2OM 55 38 295
=7 F6DDR 50 32 291
=7 LY2IC 48 31 291
9 DL5CL 45 32 289
10 RN1ON* 44 29 277
11 PA0MIR* 41 30 273
12 EI7CC 43 29 271
13 DL1VDL 36 28 254
14 OK2BMU* 39 27 252
15 SM6X 42 30 249
16 DL5SVB 39 26 239
17 RK3ER 44 26 235
18 OK1ARO* 30 24 210
19 YO5AJR 34 24 208
=20 UA1CE 34 22 204
=20 SP5ATO 34 21 204
22 SP6IEQ 30 25 199
23 RA3XA 32 22 198
24 PA0FAW 32 22 195
25 EI7GY 30 21 192
26 RK3XWO 31 23 189
27 ON4ALY 29 19 162
28 LA3ZA* 22 19 161
29 OK2FB 25 21 156
30 EA1WX 21 18 153
31 S51DX* 17 16 131
=32 DJ3GE 20 15 127
=32 UA4FCO 21 16 127
34 DL2AXM 18 14 121
35 YL2II 22 17 116
36 RW3AI* 15 14 115
37 OK1KZ* 18 12 114
38 N2CU 14 13 91
39 F5TVL 23 19 82
40 9H1XT* 10 10 80
41 RN1CC 11 9 70
42 UY5ZZ 10 8 67
43 RN1NW* 9 8 67
44 S53DIJ* 8 7 59
45 YO4KCC 10 6 52
46 S59EIJ* 7 6 51
47 US1IV* 6 6 48
=48 RN3TT 8 8 40
=48 S59T* 5 5 40
50 LY4T* 6 4 38
=51 RV3MR* 4 4 32
=51 UA9OC* 4 4 32
=53 PA0FEI* 2 2 16
=53 RK6AQM 2 2 16
=53 UZ5UA* 2 2 16
=56 PA0RBA 2 2 8
=56 DL5SWB* 1 1 8
1st 1.8 MHz Contest 2008

This contest is getting ever more popular - with a total of 107 logs received plus 4 checklogs. This represents a small increase of 5% over the previous event in November 2007 – and that was a record event!  To further demonstrate the appeal to those outside the UK, for the first time, there were more Overseas logs received than from UK stations.

Band conditions were not as good as the previous event in November. However, despite this, the leaders from both sections managed to retain the same quantity of QSO’s. A number of stations worked a new country in the shape of EL2DX. However, the numbers of USA stations worked was well down on previous contests.  On the other hand, the quantity of Europeans signals on the band was in part enhanced by the PACC contest that was also running. This was beneficial to both the RSGB & Dutch participants, in driving up the overall potential QSO numbers. A comment from Clive GM3POI is worth noting from the RSGB general contest rules - rule 4a, which states “information from those not competing in should be logged” (i.e. PA0 areas should be logged under district if sent).

The vast majority of entrants complained that their aerial systems were just not adequate. Clearly, the bigger and higher the better, but it is surprising what is achieved using low (30ft) very bent dipoles etc. It was good to see that at least two stations were running the new Elecraft K3 rigs for the first time. If 160m isn’t tough enough, there were 8 entrants who entered, using low power.

In Section A, (UK), with a score of 1083, the leader and winner, of the Somerset Trophy is Clive Penna GM3POI. In fact, for the past seven years, whenever he’s entered, Clive has won this contest each time - quite a feat. Just 10 points behind, in 2nd place, a previous winner of the event, with a score of 1073 points is Martin Platt G4XUM operating the GD0EMG station. In third spot, with a score of 1000 points is Fraser Robertson, G4BJM.

In Section B (Overseas), the leader is Paul O’Kane EI5DI. With a score of 480, Paul is 73 points ahead of 2nd placed entrant Slavko Celarc S57DX, who scored 407 points. In third place, with 347 points is a previous Overseas winner, Gediminas Lucinskas LY3BA.

From the adjudicator’s perspective, the most time-consuming aspect of the adjudication task is to go through each log, ensuring that the log is set into the correct Cabrillo format. This often means fiddling about on a PC with a text editor, moving columns / adjusting spaces etc. One particular log (from a highly placed G station) took over 45 mins to get into the correct format. So, next time you submit a log, please ensure that you at least look at it before sending it off, and try and make it look like a Cabrillo log!  Getting this improved would make a significant difference in terms of being able to produce the results at a much earlier stage.

Anyway, congratulations to the worthy winners. Thanks to everyone that took part, and I hope to see you all in the 2nd 1.8MHz contest in November.

Graham Bubloz G4FNL

*= Error-free log

check logs -  C31CT, DL8UNF, G3VQO, GW4BLE


2E0KOP:    hard work with loaded wire.

DJ3GE:    5 Watt QRP (FT817) and a Windom (21m long, 8 m high) for 7MHz,matched through an iductivity with tuner Z11 for 1,8  MHz.Nice contest again. Worked about 80 % more than in 2007.

DK3UZ:    Elecraft K2 #2018, 5 watts out plus 80m Guywire Pyramid, fed via open-wire line and remote controlled balanced pi coupler

DL1VDL:    TS850S, short GP (13m tower with A3S as cap.load, omega-matched)

DL2OM:    Had loaded the recent SD software V13.36. Worked great

DL5CL:    IC 718, 20W plus 40m LW 15 m up

DL5SWB:    FT-847 with indoor antenna. Clive was the only one who copied me

EI5DI:    SD WinKey Pro3 - Bliss!

EI7CC:    Yaesu FT-990 plus Sloper @ 30'

EI7GY:    IC-756PRO plus Loop

G0ADH:    About average conditions at this location

G3GLL:    FT1000mp and AL811 amp plus Inverted L about 50 ft high. SD worked ok. Local noise level very high. First hour or so ok then not so good {as usual} !

G3GMM:    Trio TS520S, end-fed 100' wire

G3JRM:    (Op=G4RLS) TS850sat plus end loaded 80 metre doublet. Another lively outing on 160 with still a few queries on the NR district code one or two gotaways but all in all, great fun

G3LET:    Unfortunately work intervened and only made it for the last hour, by which time only the regulars seemed to still be on.  Conditions to the US very poor compared to the previous event

G3LIK:    YAESU FT1000MP plus GROUND MOUNTED VERTICAL. Heavy QRN made copy difficult.
Good to see a lot of familiar calls. SD logging was good

G3OLB:    Conditions fair to middling! TS850 + FL2100B + Inverted 'L' up 80 ft

G3RSD:    TS940S plus Strapped feeder to 80M dipole. Condx seemded very good. Used SD worked perfectly

G3SJJ:    Historically this event doesn't attract the same level of activity as the November contest so I was quite pleased at a first hour total of 103. UK participation seemed slightly up, but I noted a few EU countries missing. Some nice DX in the shape of EL, a new country on 160m, UA9 and various W/VE. There was an indication that the band might be good on Friday with JA7OEM appearing in late
afternoon. I worked him at 1630, he peaked to s8 just on sunset and I was listening to him for an good 30 minutes in total. JA7NI was also audible around 1830Z Saturday evening but not as strong. I now have some 1400 CW contest Qs in the log using the K3. 400 in CQWW 160CW plus nearly 800 in the FOC Marathon last weekend, 160-10m. It does handle close-in stuff better than the MP or K2. There is no doubt I could copy weaker signals under loud stations much easier. The AGC time constants seem to help with my power line noise level also, the frying noise is less obvious, also when I switch in the Noise Reduction it is like switching to an rx antenna.
The 2nd Rx isn't available yet so I felt as though I was operating with one hand tied behind my back not being able to listen around the band whilst monitoring my run freq. I reverted to the TS930 technique I used to use over 15 years ago by switching to the 2nd VFO. Made a few Qs but it isn't the same as real SO2V.

G3SWC:    IC-756Pro2 plus 80m inv vee with feeders strapped. Started half hour late due antenna fault, had to use the 80m dipole with feeders strapped.

G3TBK:    Most UK stations not very strong, exceptions were in Northern Scotland. FT1000MP, 400W plus Inverted L at 70 feet. Last hour hard going, expected more USA stations after band opened so early. Good job we had the Dutch to work as well, otherwise 4 hours would have been too long

G3UFY:    FT1000MP + loop. Reluctant to call CQ due to permanent s9+ noise level. Hence almost all S&P and resulting poor score.

G3VYI:    Homebrew Tx EF91/807/QY4-400 modified HRO Rx, plus Marconi antenna. Lots to work and good condx. Nice to work EI5Di !  Actually held a frequency with 100 W & HRO Rx! Hope my VFO didnt drift too  much. Had to QRT when G3FPQ came on line of sight !! (Overloads my HRO as its got too much RF gain!)

G3WRR:    IC7800 plus Inverted L, 50ft top @ 20ft. Obviously not a serious entry on my part - but came on to give out a few QSOs. Seemed fairly quiet to me!

G3XTT:    FT-1000MkV, Quadra plus Inv-L at 60ft. Late start, then antenna went high SWR after less than an hour!  So not exactly a serious entry!

G3YEC:    IC 756pro111 plus 160 half wave. Trouble at start with TX relay otherwise nice TB contest. Still has though a section of HUGE signals. It was once cancelled before I wonder if it will be long before it is cancelled again ?!!

G3ZGC:    IC775DSP 200w plus Dipole at 50 ft. Thank you G3LLK Gus for letting me use your QTH. Lots of frequency stealing. How can 30 over 9 signals not hear you! Conditions good, but did'nt get any Ws or VEs.

G4ARI:    K2 10 Watts Output plus 132 ft LW. Conditions seemed really good. Hardly any background noise. Pity I was only able to make last 90 minutes

G4BJM:    Good fun but lost QSOs due to high noise level. SD performed well as usual.

G4BUO:    Pleased to be called by 3 Ws and a VE before midnight

G4CKH:    FT1000MP plus 100FT Inverted L at 20ft

G4DDL:    FT2000 plus 30m long wire at 8 m. Conditions quite good though not much DX heard I did the full 4 hrs for a change but ran out of stations to work about 30 mins from the end.

G4EBK:    FT2000 100w plus inv vee dipole Ctr 10Mtr ends 3 Mtr bent to fit garden. First 2 hrs ok then down hill. Switched off after 3 hrs.

G4FAL:    Conditions seemed good. Nice to work a few outside europe with my low dipole.

G4FNL:    FT1000MP + TL922 amp plus Inverted L at 70ft / doublet at 60ft. Interesting propagation experienced. This was not my best performance. Activity levels seemed a little lower than the previously. Thanks to all for the QSO's.

G4RCG:    Ten Tec Orion II plus Dipole @ 60'. Went out for a birthday party and did not get in until late so hence to low score, found conditions quite good but not that many G's on the band

G4TSH:    Dabbling with a new top loaded vertical for DXing.  Hence had quite a lot of difficulty with the close in stations.  Conditions did not sound great so went QRT at midnight.

G4WGE:    Some light relief in the middle of CQ WPX RTTY. Bettered last years total then went back to the big event!

G6CSY:    My thanks to those stations who were able to dig my signal out of the noise on 160M. This is turning into one of my favourite HF bands. Rig IC-7400 @ 20W and 40m polymorph wire

G8MIA:    FT2000 plus Inverted L 80/40m

GD0EMG: (Op=G4XUM) First time i have done the 1st 160M. Inter G activity seemed poor. Luckily, the DX and entrants in the PACC kept things interesting. Some good numbers around, Clive 'POI seemed to be going great as usual. Thanks for all the calls and see you in the second event.

GM0WED:    My first foray into 160m, need a bigger property for the dipole!

GM3POI:    FT1000D + Amp plus Vertical + 4SQ. Mults down even though my Qs were up. General rule 4a states info from those not competing in should be logged i.e. PA0 areas these have been logged under district if sent.
GM3YEH:    High noise level and long skip propagation made it difficult especially towards the end.

GM4FAM:    FT-1000MP plus 76FT vertical - linear loaded at base

GM4SID:    FT-1000MP/V + QUADRA plus 80M Dipole (Strapped feeder). My poor antenna made hard going of this contest and three hours was enough.

GW0ETF:    Elecraft K3 plus Acom 1000. Never intended to be a full attempt but wanted to check how my 102ft doublet would work as a Marconi T - jury's still out!

LA3ZA:    Elecraft K2 plus Dipole for 160 m

M0AAA:    FT2000 plus 40M Metre vertical with Helikite

MM0BQI:    Great fun with lots of noise!  Strapped the legs of my 40m dipole together and tuned against a counterpoise, worked reasonably well and the 40w got through okay most of the time.

OK1ARO:    FT-840 plus LW

OK1FKD:    QRP Elecraft K2 5W, LW 42m

OK1KZ:    TS430S 100W plus Dipole G5RV

OK2BMU:    IC735 100W plus 1/4 wave sloper 20m up

PA0FAW:    Kenwood TS570D  90w plus indoor longwire. Condx not good, because of my indoor antenna. Not many G etc heard, but all worked but because of PACC it was OK on 160.

PA0FEI:    TS530S, 100 W HF, longwire. During the PACC Contest I worked 2 stations in your contest

RN1NW:    QRP 5 Watts

RW3AI:    Icom 706, Ant LW 120 m

SP5ATO:    Home Made 10 Watts plus 40m LW UP 15M

UA1CE:    IC718 + 42m Long Wire

UA4FCO:    FT-1000MP; ANT: DL 160m

UA9OC:    Icom IC-765+PA 10dB, Ant - Inv Vee 13 m mast over roof house 33m high in center of big city, I begin on TOP band, thank all for 4 new country's ! (G, GM, GD, GW)

US1IV:    TNX for nice contest

YO4KCC:    Icom 726 plus delta loop. Tnx to everybody. Best regards

YO5AJR:    Nice contest buth not so match G Ham-s. Rig is FT990 PA AL80B Ant inv "L"

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